ACCEPTABLE USE Copyright Restrictions For:
By subscribing to, or utilizing, BEAMSCO Directories ~ Community Today & Tonight Portals, and ALL OTHER websites created, revised, or hosted by BEAMSCO, and all third party websites linked from BEAMSCO's websites, you agree to abide by this Acceptable Use Policy. See Copy Restrictions Inadvertent Infringements below...
Utilization of websites
Your utilization of any BEAMSCO CREATED OR MAINTAINED WEBSITE and our related services constitutes your express agreement to abide by this Acceptable Use Policy (the “Rules"), as the same may be changed from time-to-time by BEAMSCO, at its sole and absolute discretion. These "Rules" are designed to enhance the quality of our services and to protect our customers, and the Internet community as a whole, from illegal, irresponsible, or disruptive Internet activities. These "Rules" apply to all customers of BEAMSCO. We hope and expect that common sense and good judgment will guide all of our customer's use of our BEAMSCO Services. The following non exhaustive list details the kinds of illegal or harmful conduct, which are prohibited. BEAMSCO reserves the right to restrict or prohibit any and all uses of its services or content on our Web site (or yours), and to remove such materials, including your web site, from its servers at any time BEAMSCO determines in its sole discretion that such content or materials violates this Agreement, is illegal, or is harmful to its servers, systems, network, reputation, good will, other BEAMSCO customers, or any third party. Depending on the severity of the violation and the history of your account, BEAMSCO may take any reasonable disciplinary action it determines in its sole and absolute discretion, including, but not limited to, one or more of the foregoing or following actions: (a) issuance of a verbal or written warning; (b) suspension of your account; (c) termination of your account; (c) billing for administrative and legal costs and fees and/or reactivating costs. All of the foregoing rights are cumulative, and the exercise of any right at any time shall not preclude the exercise of any other right, or the same right, at any other time for the same violation or any subsequent violation
Illegal use
Illegal or Improper Activities. You may not use BEAMSCO’s services or servers in any manner in violation of any state, local or federal law of the United States of America, or any of its states or which in any manner is in violation of any applicable local or national law of any country. Such violations and activities include, but are not limited to, violations of U.S. or other applicable foreign export laws or restrictions including the U.S. Export Administration Act and accompanying regulations, posting or trafficking in government secrets, providing any information to in any way assist or encourage any terrorist activities, providing any information concerning nuclear or biological weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, posting or trafficking in obscene material, solicitation of a minor or others for illegal acts, dealing drugs, harassment, fraud, stalking, abuse, or other subject matters that are prohibited under applicable federal, state, local or foreign law.
Dangerous Activities. You may not use BEAMSCO’s services or servers to post or disseminate in any manner, any information or material which may be dangerous, damaging or injurious to persons or property or which, directly or indirectly, may be used to create danger, damage or injury to persons or property.
You may not use Portals or BEAMSCO website's services or BEAMSCO's servers in any manner which infringes the intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights of any third party including, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization. Infringement may result from, among other activities, the unauthorized copying and posting of pictures, logos, software, articles, musical works, and videos. In compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), please send DMCA notifications of claimed copyright infringements to: Also see details on Copyright Notice below
Spamming and Harvesting Emails for Solicitations and/or URLs for commercial use
You may not use Portals or BEAMSCO website or its clients URLs and/or email address for unsolicited offers (Spamming) or for collection of multiple URLs for purposes of duplication of this Portal. Further: erroneous, derogatory, abusive and or insulting comments concerning this or client's websites and/or services provided by BEAMSCO or their clients may be considered slanderous toward BEAMSCO and/or its customers, and subject to legal action.
Fraudulent Activities
You may not offer or disseminate fraudulent goods, services, schemes, or promotions (i.e., make money fast schemes, chain letters, pyramid schemes, ponzi schemes), or furnish false data on any sign-up form, contract or online application or registration, or fraudulently use any information obtained through the use of BEAMSCO’s servers or services, including without limitation use of credit card numbers.
Offensive Subject Matter
You may not use BEAMSCO’s services or servers for transmitting, disseminating, sale, storage or hosting subject matter that is racist, unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, threatening, hateful, harmful, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable. You may not use BEAMSCO's services or servers to conduct any sexually oriented business or disseminate pornographic pictures, videos, banners, text or any similar material. You may not use BEAMSCO’s services or servers to threaten bodily harm or destruction of property.
POLLS, OPINIONS, AND MESSAGE-BOARDS: In the event of offering to the public the privilege of posting personal opinions to any poll, comment, opinion, or messages board, you may not post, (or expect to have posted), comments and charges about entities or persons that, (while perhaps true), are unsubstantiated and derogatory in nature. We can not make these type of Pages a platform for affronts and a means for (anonymously) attacking persons or organizations personally, or posting rumors . Potentially consequential questions or statements, negative in nature, and or negative opinions about any entity, fairly stated, impersonal in nature, with a high degree of objectivity, and-or maters of public record, would be posted, and if posted, any subject's rebuttal responses will be posted following the comment.
Harmful, Tortuous or Abusive Activities
You may not use BEAMSCO’s services or servers for disseminating or hosting harmful content including, without limitation, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or any other computer programming routines that may damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, program, data or personal information.
Tortuous Activities. You may not use BEAMSCO’s services or servers for any tortuous conduct, including, but not limited to, posting defamatory, libelous, slanderous, scandalous, or private information about a person or company without their consent; intentionally inflicting emotional distress; making unlawful threats; stalking, interfering with any contract or prospective economic relations; engaging in fraud or deception; engaging in sexual or other harassment; or for violating any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights.
Abusive Activities. You may not use BEAMSCO’s services or servers for any abusive activities on the Internet, including, but not limited to, activities such as using a non-existent email return address, spamming (sending unsolicited advertising to numerous email addresses or newsgroups and/or generating a significantly higher volume of outgoing email than a normal user), or allowing spamming by third parties to promote a web site, attempt to gather personal information for identity theft (phishing), trolling (posting outrageous messages to generate numerous responses), mail-bombing (sending multiple messages without significant new content to the same user), subscribing someone else to a mailing list without that person's permission, cross-posting articles to an excessive number of newsgroups, hacking ( unauthorized access to or use of data, systems, server or networks, including any attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or to breach the security thereof), spoofing or (any attempt to impersonate any person or otherwise deceive or mislead through alteration of headers); deletion of author attributions, legal notices, or proprietary designations in an effort to deceive or mislead; forging or altering any TCP-IP packet header, email header or any part of a message header, using manual or electronic means to avoid any use limitations on you use of BEAMSCO’s servers such as timing out; sending or disseminating harassing email or chain letters; or use of flames (hostile attacks or invectives aimed at a group or an individual).
In compiling the information contained on, and accessed through, this or any website created by or modified/or rewritten by BEAMSCO. BEAMSCO has used its best efforts to ensure that the Information is correct and current at the time of publication but takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect therein.
To the extent permitted by law, BEAMSCO and its employees, agents and consultants exclude all liability for any loss or damage (including indirect, special or consequential loss or damage) arising from the use of, or reliance on, the Information whether or not caused by any negligent act or omission. If any law prohibits the exclusion of such liability. BEAMSCO’s limits its liability to the extent permitted by law, to the removal or re-publishing of any corrected Information.
Copy Reservation of Rights Notice - Details
This website and its contents including text, photographs, hyperlink compilations, and graphics on this or any other site created by BEAMSCO (Business Ecommerce Applications & Marketing Services Company) are subject to rights reserved under the laws of the United States and, through international treaties, with other countries. All rights are reserved by BEAMSCO, or in the case of some materials used by BEAMSCO, by third parties. Like respect for third party rights, trademarks, and copyrights are expected.
Materials supplied to BEAMSCO unsolicited, voluntary, or by contractual agreement for remuneration:
All materials including, but not limited to: systems, photos, scripts, graphics, web designs, animations or original Flash additions or modifications of existing graphics or WebPages, etc. or (non copyrighted) texts included or ultimately used on any BEAMSCO produced or modified websites, or for use in any part of BEAMSCO operations, either sent to BEAMSCO without solicitation or provided to BEAMSCO by any individual or company acting as an outside provider or agent under any agreement written or implied for remunerations shall be considered the sole property of BEAMSCO. (Excluded are public postings on Forums or Blogs).
Further Terms for this section: Unless by prior agreement or expressed understanding, no author or designer credit shall be given or may be taken by a third party for any design or creation relating to any inclusion in any website design or other function of BEAMSCO in their regular course of business. Additionally: No third party website links to any BEAMSCO created or hosted website claiming any aspect of the site to have been produced by a third party is allowed without specific prior written agreement, or provided to BEAMSCO and incorporated in a part of an original template design. Specifically, third party scripts and systems credits will not be given unless the same is required as a term of use. (Including authorship stated in the script code but not visible on a public webpage as a term of use). Otherwise; Any such required acknowledgement or recognition will be added to the website with appropriate wording and located on a webpage at BEAMSCO's discretion, unless specific wording & site location is required and BEAMSCO agrees to its inclusion as part of the provider's terms of use.
Conversely; all websites created or managed by BEAMSCO and their individual pages will generally have a "Created by BEAMSCO..." or related wording with a link to as an implied requirement to utilize BEAMSCO website services. Also; all pages will generally include, under the header or at the page's bottoms, a link to this Acceptable Use Terms page.
Commercial Use exclusions: You may save an image, text, or email address found on this site for personal use unless otherwise restricted. You may not harvest email, links, or website addresses for any commercial use. Especially unsolicited email (SPAM). Or URLs for the purposes of reproducing these links for commercial application such as, but not limited to a “Portal” or index of business or services site. You may view this website and its contents using your web browser and save an electronic copy, or print out a copy, of parts of this website solely for your own information, research or study: but only if you (1.) do not modify the copy from how it appears on the original website(s); and (2.) include any copyright notice on the webpage or initial index page. You must not reproduce, copy, or otherwise acquire any contents including text, scripts (coding), photographs, and graphics on this or any other site created by BEAMSCO and its rights reserved in whole or any part of this website for any other purpose except as expressly permitted by a written agreement of permission from BEAMSCO
Third party sites, Public Forums, Photo pages, Message Boards.
While every reasonable attempt is made to control use of copyright material, this website contains links to third party sites, Public Forums, Blogs, and Community Portals with various material posting privileges. BEAMSCO can not be responsible for the condition or the content of these sites , including public forums, images or avatars posted by users, images or text used on their personal websites or contributed for posting in message board or "picture pages” on various forums and community portal pages hosted by BEAMSCO. Additionally, photographs of employees, customers, and related photographs provided by a client of BEAMSCO for use in the client's website will be removed at the request of the website owner (subsequent to a request by the person(s) in any photo); not withstanding BEAMSCO assumes all such photos used in that website are cleared for use by BEAMSCO in the creation of the website.
Link's are provided solely for your convenience and do not indicate, expressly or impliedly, any endorsement of the site(s) or the products or services provided there. You access those sites and use their products and services solely at your own risk. Expressly: Users are expected to not post or send copyright material for insertions on forums and portal pages for public viewing, and posting or submitting any such material expressly implies the donor's guarantee of no infringements.
Trademark Policy
This site includes registered trademarks and/or names of companies and website logos. (i.e. BEAMSCO) You may not use any company name logo or trade mark prior to receiving written consent from BEAMSCO or any company reserving all rights pertaining to trademarks or names, etc..
Email Addresses & Privacy Statement.
A valid email address is required to process feedback or other electronic communication from you to our site. Including but not limited to the public forums and message board features. Supplying false email addresses or address not actually authorized for use by you is a serious violation of BEAMSCO’s use policy. Information acquired is stored by BEAMSCO and is not available for public viewing, except where required, i.e. the Message Board (name and email).
Personal information publication on the Forums is at control of the submitter. Any information requested to remain confidential and not published will be strictly honored.
Email addresses supplied by users will be retained and used only for the purpose for which they were provided.
Your use of this site in any manner implies expressly that you understand and agree to the following:
No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from BEAMSCO or any of their created websites or third party sites or through or from any service shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the terms of use statements.
Any unauthorized copying, downloading or distribution of any copyrighted material from this site or from sites to which this site links, without the copyright owner's permission, is strictly prohibited. (See third party site’s copyright statement)
Changes of Use Policy
BEAMSCO reserves the right to change or modify the Terms of Use statement, or any part of our Terms of Use statement, or to modify conditions. Such changes, modifications, addition.
Inadvertent Infringements By BEAMSCO
Materials: Any text, non-open source script, or images from third party sources used on any website created or maintained by BEAMSCO are carefully considered as to exclusivity, but on rare occasion might infringe upon a third party’s rights or copyright. If you are the Copyright holder of any text, scripts, photos, or images used on this website, or any other website created (or hosted) by BEAMSCO, and object to their use please contact Beamsco at . We will immediately remove any questionable text, logos, script, or images upon notification by proper authority. See Third party sites, Public Forums, Photo pages, Message Boards.
Links: Any hypertext linking to a third party website will be immediately removed from any website, under BEAMSCO’s control, upon the request of the site owner or administrator of that website.
Link inclusions on the Portal or any website to third party websites provided by BEAMSCO are strictly at the discretion of BEAMSCO. Requests for link inclusions to third party websites may be submitted to BEAMSCO at
Misuse of other Resources.
You may not engage in any uses or activities that misuse BEAMSCO’s services, servers or system resources, including, but not limited to employing or posting programs which consume excessive CPU time or storage space; permitting use of mail services, mail forwarding capabilities, POP accounts, or auto-responders other than for your own account; or resale of access to CGI scripts installed on BEAMSCO’s servers.