BEAMSCO addresses several problematic internet issues affecting some websites each day!
Things Change Rapidly: Worldwide, and for many website owners and our clients too, we have seen some increasing website function issues, email security & email form problems issues, and other concerns, which we have been addressing for some time on a client by client basis. We feel it may be beneficial to consider any needed modifications on your website if following issues are present!
The Problem and issues: Over the past few years we have seen accelerated revisions of not only Operating Systems i.e: Windows 95, Windows 98, to later systems like Windows XP (which some of you still use) to Windows 7, Windows 8, and coming, Windows 10. Mac users have seen similar changes. Browsers also have changed continuously with all the Windows versions from IE7 to IE10, and new-comers like Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.
To add to the issues, modern wide screen monitors and various monitor appearance settings distort some web appearances, and new smart phones hinder readability of many webs on their small screens, requiring that we also construct a second mobile web application for corrected readability and appearance on cell phones. Many users nowadays rely nearly 100% on their cell phones for all internet activity.
The Results: Many of us with websites are experiencing continuing issues of Compatibility & Compliance and also increasingly obsolete initial website creation software that were state of the art just a few years ago. The result is occasionally older websites and forms no longer may appear and function like they once did when using these newer Browsers and operating systems. Also there have been security issues under certain conditions.
To Add More to the problem: Search engines like Google, Yahoo, BING, etc have ambiguous rules and formulas to determine how a website will be ranked, or who gets on the first page of the search engine results. The very rules that we used for our new websites from 2001 to recently have been modified or even reversed. This is why you get so many emails offering SEO services (Search Engine Optimization). This can be an expensive fix when done separate of new website creation, and SEO requires a great deal of expertise and work to bring sites to 80% or 100% compatible range.
What BEAMSCO has done & is doing right now about this, and why you need to see us or your webmaster: BEAMSCO website’s average age is about five (5) years since the initial build; how old is your site?. Many of the sites no longer have a “modern” look. Over the past five years we have seen exponential expansions of issues affecting older websites. We have updated many of our older websites last year and this year, including our own website you are now viewing – please visit our sample portfolio links on the bottom of our Home page, or the Portfolio sample page, to allow you to view a few of our more recent websites, and to give you an idea of a newer look.
What’s Next: We suggest you contact us for a free consultation. If you need revisions just call us and we will work you into our current schedule.
Last: If you are satisfied with your website look and search engine results, we see no reason (at the present time) for some of you to have to update your site; it could function well enough for your purposes for some time. But many of you may want to change text on pages and/or photos, and add new features, like the ability to make many changes of text and photos yourself; if this is your case, this would be a good opportunity for a state of the art modernization, and perhaps a mobile web application installed too.
We currently offer revisions, Mobile web versions, and SEO work at reduced bundled rates…give us a call at 217 442 0823